Book Review of the Week - Musings of a God Girl

Book Review of the Week

Monday, May 18, 2015

Yes, I know I haven't been keeping up with this, but I'm trying to get into it again.
    This weeks book review is... The Set Apart Woman by Leslie Ludy.

What can I say about 'The Set-Apart Woman' by Leslie Ludy? It is so inspiring and uplifting.
      I was expecting this book to be a little boring, and to drag on too long. I must say I was wrong in both cases. Leslie Ludy has written this book in a way that is fun, and interesting. She mixes personal experiences with Bible verses, and examples of women strong in their faith. It is easy to relate with her, and she seems like a human who makes mistakes just like us. But she shows us how we can raise above our mistakes and learn to do better.
       Some people have said the Leslie Ludy writes in such a way that she seems to be 'standing on a table yelling at me', but I find it quite the opposite. She seems to be standing before us gently guiding us, teaching us from her mistakes.
      This book inspired me and made me feel braver. One of my favorite chapters was the one about fear. I really felt like this was  good chapter for me on learning to trust God.
      I loved that she has adopted children, and as that is something I've always wished to do she really encouraged me to do it. I love her soft heart, and the story of her husbands call to help orphans.
   Overall I would rate this book 5/5 I can't really think of anything I would have changed. I 100% would recommend this book to a friend, and I am going to be sure to buy this book.
   Sincerely, Rachel

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