Lately I've Been | June Edition - Musings of a God Girl

Lately I've Been | June Edition

Thursday, June 29, 2017

      June is almost over, and it is crazy to think that we are already half way through 2017. So, while summer is flying by, I decided to do a 'lately I've been' post, inspired by my friend Evangeline - Over The Hills.

| making |
 Music, smoothies, and an instagram theme.

| reading |

 I have about a hundred books waiting for me at the library, but alas, they are not at my house yet. I've be reading my book, 'Willow' and making the final paperback edits.

| cooking |

 Fresh produce from the garden, kale, swiss chard etc, yam fries, and pasta. Also ice-cream and smoothies, but that doesn't quite count as 'cooking'.

| wanting |

 To travel, a plane ticket to Europe {particularly Ireland, Scotland, or England}, to get together with 
some of my friends, more inspiration to write!

| wasting |
   Time, but summer is sorta about being lazy. 

| enjoying |

     How green everything is, the freedom of no school, and the challenge of working outdoors.

| wishing |

   I could be working at an orphanage/teaching, I had more money - so I could travel more, that life was a little less complicated. 

  Hope you all have had a lovely June, I will be posting again in July! 


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  1. Your graphics are amazing

    1. Aww, thank you! I took the first picture with the daisy, but I found the others online.
