Another Period Drama Tag
Thursday, March 08, 2018Yay! I'm back with a gif filled, fun, bookish/movie post! This challenge was taken from Evie's blog - Letters From Avonlea - so be sure to check that out!
1. What was the most recent period drama you watched? Share what you thought of it.
The most recent period drama I have watched is 'All Creatures Great & Small' which was recommended to me by Evie herself! It is a really good show, with the rolling green dales as the setting, and entertaining and likeable characters. Here's a quick overview of my thoughts.
This gif sums up both James and Tristan. The antics & pranks.
Tristan: "James, let's play this trick on Siegfried!"
James: "Tristan... oh alright!"
Later on Tristian is getting in trouble while James feigns innocence in the corner of the room.
Tristan: "James, let's play this trick on Siegfried!"
James: "Tristan... oh alright!"
Later on Tristian is getting in trouble while James feigns innocence in the corner of the room.
This is Helen Herriot. Yeah, yeah, I kind of agree that Lynda Bellingham played the part more like the real Helen, but Carol Drinkwater will always win. She has a softer voice and look, and she was really gentle, bringing some sweetness to the show. And her plaid skirts, and rubber bootsssss! Although Lynda also brought some of that, she was just sooo different.
Callum (yes this is the best photo of him. Get that Scottish vibe in there!) was a really interesting character. He was passionate about saving wild animals, which was really nice! The way he always sassed Siegfried was hilarious.
Occasionally my reaction is the one above when there's just one too many arm up the cow's rear shots. I get it, it must be done, but it can be a bit nasty. Props to the actors for actually learning how to, and having the courage to do it in real life!
Overall this is a great show, and I recommend it! It contains quite a few good laughs, good stories, and good lessons. I was sad to come to the end of it.
2. Do you generally prefer period dramas in the form of a movie or a TV series/mini-series? Why?
Both are nice! TV series can have more details and plot in them. There can be more character development, and there's more to see! But movies are easier to watch, and don't take as long. So, both.
The Sound of Music will always be my favourite musical! The costumes are gorgeous, the music is lovely, the characters are amazing (so is Julie Andrews) and it is just timeless. I also like Fiddler on the Roof, but it's not quittteee as good.
4. Read the book first or watch the movie first?
I'm not really that fussy about it. Some people are strict 'read the book first' people. But, I usually watch the movie first - because I haven't heard of the book. It's still easy to appreciate the books, and I'm not as turned off as I could be to the movie. It is easier to accept that there is more to the story when you read it, than accept when a movie cuts out parts of the book.
5. What is a valuable life lesson you learned from a period drama?
If you want to change the world, you have to do something about it. You have to be bold, and not afraid to speak up. It doesn't matter if people think you are strange because you stand up for a certain something, or won't do something.
"It's only painful to talk about because we haven't changed anything." ~ Amazing Grace
"I want you to remember that smell... remember the Madagascar... remember, God made men equal." Amazing Grace
"Perhaps we should begin this journey with a first step." ~ Amazing Grace
“Any upward movement is movement for all.”- Dorothy
"God did not give me my life to throw away" ~ Jane Eyre6. Which period drama hero would you be likely to fall in love with in real life?
I don't know! Meeting someone in person can often change your perception of them, so I'd have to meet them and see.
7. Do you ever like to binge-watch a period drama series?
Yes. Though I don't do it often!
8. What things go best with watching a period drama?
Tea, a blanket, or dinner!
9. Which period drama do you think you would fit into best?
Little Women! Especially in the March family. We both are temperance folks and abolitionists, I wouldn't have to wear corsets (yay!). The sisters and I would get along well, and I would have a Marmie. She was so kind and wise.
I wouldn't mind living in that time period so much either. Though life without electronics would be a lot different. The biggest difference between us would be my pacifist views.
I wouldn't mind living in that time period so much either. Though life without electronics would be a lot different. The biggest difference between us would be my pacifist views.
10. If you could have any period drama character for a best friend, who would it be? And why?
Any? Ah, can I just pick them all? Probably Jo March, Barbara Spooner, or Skeeter.
Barbara Spooner was wise, kind, had a sense of humour, and was passionate about ending slavery. We'd also have a lot to talk about, and we would could encourage each other.
Skeeter was a writer, sensible, and not afraid to speak her mind. I could learn about that from her, and I think we'd could work on writing projects together that mean something and were important.
11. Show us a picture of a period drama costume you wish you could wear in real life.

Meg's dress was so pretty, why the girls made fun of it, I will never understand. Maybe jealousy? And Skeeter's dress was also so pretty. Can you tell I like blue?
This dress was prettier than the ball gown in my opinion! It's so simple and flowy. It could be worn for more casual, and also formal events. I'd basically never take it off.
The classic, of course. Liesl's dress is perfect. The flatness, pale colour, simple design, and yet it's so classy. Anddddd it might yet be a reality! I am currently planning one for my 16 going on 17th birthday.
Not one, but these are some of my favourite costumes. If you just give me all of Maria & Liesl's dresses from the Sound of Music, that's all the clothes I'll need.
12. Are there any period dramas you like to watch during a particular season or holiday?
I usually watch The Princess Bride (kind of period drama?) whenever I'm sick, and something summery in the summer.
13. Which period drama has your favorite soundtrack?
There are so mannnyyy. I love the soundtrack to Pride & Prejudice 2005, Amazing Grace, Jane Eyre, and Atonement although I have never, and never want to see it.
14. Dream cast your favorite actor and actress in a period drama of your choosing; tell which parts they would play and why.
15. Are there any period dramas you like more than one version of?
I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are.
16. What are the top three period dramas that you haven't seen on your to-watch list?
Right now, Our Zoo, the new Little Women series, and the King's Speech. Feel free to comment your recommendations!
17. Show a picture of your favourite period drama hairstyle.
18. What was your favorite wedding in a period drama?
19. What is your favorite biographical period drama?
Amazing Grace - about one of my favourite historical figures, William Wilberforce! I highly recommend it, if you haven't seen it yet.
20. Which historical novel will you forever recommend to anyone and everyone?
'Little Women', by Louisa May Alcott, 'The Mercy Medallion' series by Michael Landon Jr., and 'Counted With the Stars' by Connilyn Cossette.For younger readers 'The Journals of Corrie-Belle Hollister' series, and 'The Chosen Daughter's series! There, not one, but many.
Well, I hope you had fun reading this. It was really fun to do this tag, let me know what you think, and what other tags you'd like me to do! Maybe I'll get back into more blogging.
I challenge all my readers who feel up to it to also have a go at this tag.
Rachel R.
Heya! Glad you did the tag :-D currently rehearsing some music now but just popping in to say my blog name has changed to Letters from Avonlea :D
(sent from my phone)
Ahh! I'll change it. :D