A Letter From Africa
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Hello everyone, today I'm going to be sharing an update from the missionary we support in Africa! His name is Albert, and he has a brain tumor that is causing him to lose his eyesight. Nevertheless, God is helping him and his family, and this is some of the work he's been doing in the last few months.
Dear brethren,
Greetings to you all in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. I am
recovering from the sickness I had gone through last week, due to your prayers.
I am now able to some work.
The beginning of this year was rainy
season up to the end of April. I mentioned in January that I will concentrate
the work at Chimwemwe clinic in various departments, preaching and teaching
health lessons.
have touched many lives during this season. I thank God, who is making it
possible for the clinic administration to allow me to conduct lessons without
any problem.
The departments I was given to
conduct lesson are; HIV/ AIDS, Tuesday to Thursday are the clinic days for the
adults who are HIV positive. The topics are based on behavior change, positive
living, modes transmission and prevention, nutrition and to give them hope and show
them that Christ died for all of us if only we believe and trust in Him.
Every Friday is a clinic day for children
below 12 years and teenagers and these are brought by their parents or guardians.
These are the children who are born from HIV positive mothers, and those who
are defiled sexually by their relatives and unknown people. The topics are just
the same as the adult but I always spend time with their parents, telling them
how they should take care of their children. One big challenge which I found in
this group is that most of this children are not aware about their HIV status
they just come for review and to get medication. Those who discover that they
are HIV positive, and that they got it from their mothers, hate their parents
and stop the medication and finally they die. So I have been counseling many to
help them accept and understand their condition, and to give them hope that one
day all these illnesses will come to an end, because Jesus loves the children
like them.
I want to take you 10
years back in 2006 report about Miriam story. She is now grown up and it was
during the Friday clinic for the HIV children when she approached me and said
she was the Miriam I counseled some years back. I did not believe her, because
I had even forgotten about her. Thank God that she is still alive and she was
an encouragement to others below are the photos and the story.
We are now at the time when the
diseases which the Bible talks about are fulfilled; this is the time when we
have to go out as medical missionary workers to evangelize souls.
Kitwe there about twenty-five home based care centers for people who are HIV
Positive and I took time to visit this centers and share with them the word of
God, and the importance of Nutrition, and the laws of health to people who are
HIV Positive. So far three centers responded quite well. I started preparing
lessons, writing on the Flip Charts as you can see in the picture to the right.
I wrote about ten copies, and on
Friday I went to meet the group. I was helped by the community health workers
who were wearing Green skirts. Upon arriving we had a group photo as shown
below. I am standing on the left holding the charts in the hand and books, and behind
is the building, we booked for a day workshop, which is used for people with
Mental problems.

The group of thirty-seven is made up
of old mothers who had children died of HIV/AIDS and they have left with
Grandchildren and most of them are widows and some are infected with the same
disease. The children they are looking after mostly are double orphans. During
our seminar we covered a good number of topics and these were:
Below are the pictures taken inside
the building during the seminar.
We started at 9:30, and food was
prepared for the group since the law states that when you call for such a
meeting, food should be given the people. As you can see there is food ready
for the group, it is called Inshima, and is made from corn meal as you can see
in the plates and dishes.
When the seminar came to an end people were given chance to say something many people appreciated for the seminar. These women you can see said a lot of things, they were requesting more such lessons and it has been a blessing to all of them. They were even requesting have a joint meeting with their grandchildren.
When the seminar came to an end people were given chance to say something many people appreciated for the seminar. These women you can see said a lot of things, they were requesting more such lessons and it has been a blessing to all of them. They were even requesting have a joint meeting with their grandchildren.
At the end of the seminar a woman approached me
because of what she learnt and after hearing that I am a counselor, she
explained the story of her daughter by the name of Miriam.
She is
third in the family of 4 doing grade 7 and she is 14 years old. She is an
father died when she was about 9 years old. Life was so hard because the father
who was the breadwinner in the family died. Her mother had to support all the
children. At the age of 11 years her mother got married to a certain business
man and life seemed to improve at the time when step father came.
After 6
months the step father became sick and went for medical treatment and it was discovered
that he was HIV positive. The mother of Miriam also went for testing, and it
was discovered she was also positive and she put on ARV.
One day the mother of Miriam went to buy some food in the
market, and upon arriving back at home, she discovered that Miriam was raped by
her stepfather. It shocked the all community, but rumor said that if a man or a
woman is HIV/AIDS and he or she have sex with a child then the virus will die. Others
said it a way of getting riches by having sex with children, this is what they
are told by witch doctors but all this is a myth.
The man was reported to the police
and put in a cell this time he is serving 15 years in prison. Now, Miriam was
taken to the hospital due to injuries and finally discharged. At the age of 13
years she was taken to the hospital for HIV test due to her poor health and it
was discovered that she was also HIV positive. The mother hid it from her,
because she was fearing that Miriam may commit suicide. Thank God she came for
the seminar and she explained the all story to me, so the task was the way of
breaking the news to her and thanks be to God, the counseling was successful.
When she came to know her status she wept so bitterly, and finally she
recovered, to the right is the picture in the counseling room.
The goodness of the counseling we had was that when we shared
the word of God, Miriam accepted. The mother and her are hoping that this
problem we are going through; one day will be no more. They have accepted
Christ as their person savior and they are looking for that day when He appears
in the clouds. I advised the mother to go to CD4 count so that we can start the
Brethren, if we go in the bible a
certain lawyer came to Christ, asking him what he can do to enter heaven Luke
10:25-37……The story goes on by telling him to love his neighbor, and he said
who is my Neighbor? The Lord is expecting us to help people who have been
beaten and left half dead. Can we come down from our donkeys and bandage the
wounds of people who are left on the roadside?
What am I trying to say is, your
support and prayers that you can send to us can be blessing to many people. Without
your support and prayers, I was not going to see this woman and her daughter.
Truly this is our neighbor and your neighbor too. For more information about
Miriam please write to me and tell me what you intend to do. May you continue supporting
this work there are four programs remaining before the end of this quarter in
the Home Based Care Centers.
The other departments are antenatal and Under five clinics,
this department lessons are based on Child guidance, nutrition and food to eat
and avoid, children diseases, hygiene and biblical lesson.
other department is TB clinic, we always look at the modes of transmission,
prevention and the types of TB. We also look at TB in the old times and what
God said about this condition and the way it can be prevented.
May the good Lord continue to richly bless you. Because of
your support towards this ministry, we are able to meet and reach many lives.
We want to inform you that in May we will conducting a crusade for two weeks
your support will be highly appreciated.
and the family.